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What Dog Breed is Right For Me?

January 30, 2018 19 min read 0 Comments

What Dog Breed is Right For Me?


Getting a Dog is magnificent and lifetime commitment, and should be well thought out before you go through with it. Although you may find a certain breed of dog adorable it may not have the matching attributes that suit you. So we put together a guide for the most popular dog breeds and their respective traits with the considerations you may have.

The list of possible dog breeds is very big, so we apologize if we missed any off if you think of a dog breed that is not on this list please comment it down below or message us on our Facebook page :)




Breed Personality: Quaint, comical and very sociable and confident! Love to make people happy however are usually quiet. Very happy dogs and can make friends with almost any other pets!

Breed Group: Toy

Size: Small

Exercise: up to 1 hour per day

Coat Length: Medium

Grooming: Once a week

Shedding: Yes

Minimum House Size: Flat

Minimum Garden Size: None!

Average Lifespan: 12 years


 Afghan Hound

Breed Personality: Can be quite Aloof, but are loyal and adaptable, however they should never be off a lead outside as they will run after the first thing they see. They will need to be brought up around other animals to get used to them.

Breed Group: Hound

Size: Large

Exercise: More than 2 hours a day

Coat Length: Long

Grooming: Every Day

Shedding: Yes

Minimum House Size: Large House

Minimum Garden Size: Large

Average Lifespan: 10 years+


 Airedale Terrier

Breed Personality: Sound temperament, great intelligence, and very protective of their family! A puppy will happily settle in with any other pets that home may have, but may not mix well with other pets inside the family home.

Breed Group: Terrier

Size: Medium

Exercise: Up to 1 hour a day

Coat Length: Medium

Grooming: Every Day

Shedding: Yes

Minimum House Size: Large House

Minimum Garden Size: Small/Medium

Average Lifespan: 10 years+

Airedale Terrier



Breed Personality: They are dignified, proud and courageous and have a fearless but steady disposition which they keep under very good control when confronted with stress, they are very patient so can tolerate children and are excellent protectors of the home, However they are very dominant so don't mix well with other dominant breeds.

Breed Group: Utility

Size: Large

Exercise: More than 2 hours a day

Coat Length: Short

Grooming: Once a week

Shedding: Yes

Minimum House Size: Large House

Minimum Garden Size: Large

Average Lifespan:  Under 10 years



 Alaskan Malamute

Breed Personality: Friendly, Intelligent and they love people! They usually need obedience to be under control at all times. They are extremely powerful and very big meaning they can be difficult to walk and unsuitable for the elderly or children. They also do not get along with other dogs or pets, especially not males!

Breed Group: Working

Size: Large

Exercise: More than 2 hours a day

Coat Length: Medium

Grooming: Every Day

Shedding: Yes

Minimum House Size: Large House

Minimum Garden Size: Large

Average Lifespan: 10 years+

Alaskan Malamute


 Australian Shepherd

Breed Personality: Good nature and an even disposition can be reserved when meeting people for the first time but are not shy or aggressive. It is very agile and works with style and enthusiasm and are extremely intelligent and love their families. They are good with animals they grow up with but otherwise quite reserved.

Breed Group: Pastoral

Size: Medium

Exercise: More than 2 hours a day

Coat Length: Medium

Grooming: More than once a week

Shedding: Yes

Minimum House Size: Large House

Minimum Garden Size: Large

Average Lifespan: 10 years+

Australian Shepherd



Breed Personality: Elegant, graceful and extremely versatile they are extremely clean, and are easily house trained and has no doggy smells! On top of that, it doesn't bark and very protective over children. They are independent but don't object to sharing with pets they've grown up with

Breed Group: Hound

Size: Small

Exercise: Up to 1 hour a day

Coat Length: Short

Grooming: One a week

Shedding: Yes

Minimum House Size: Small House

Minimum Garden Size: Small/ Medium

Average Lifespan: 12 years+



 Basset Hound

Breed Personality: Soft nature, outgoing but gentle and loving. They need discipline as a pup like many breeds do, but are very compatible with other dogs.

Breed Group: Hound

Size: Medium

Exercise: Up to one hour a day

Coat Length: Long

Grooming: Once a week

Shedding: Yes

Minimum House Size: Large House

Minimum Garden Size: Small/ Medium

Average Lifespan: 10 years+

Basset Hound



Breed Personality: They are loyal companions and are usually very gentle and a great playmate for children and can show very human characteristics. They are happy, versatile and very adaptable. They are pack hounds and so are better off being around company during the day.

Breed Group: Hound

Size: Small

Exercise: Up to one hour a day

Coat Length: Short

Grooming: Once a week

Shedding: Yes

Minimum House Size: Small House

Minimum Garden Size: Small/ Medium

Average Lifespan: 12 years+



Bearded Collie

Breed Personality: Happy, lively and energetic family dogs. Bearded Collies love to be where the action is and love to help out when they can, they adore company and are very affectionate, they are very sensitive and so don't respond well to harsh treatment and are terrible guard dogs and absolutely love other pets.

Breed Group: Pastoral

Size: Medium

Exercise: Up to 1 hour a day

Coat Length: Long

Grooming: Every Day

Shedding: Yes

Minimum House Size: Large House

Minimum Garden Size: Small/ Medium

Average Lifespan: 12 years+

Bearded Collie


 Bedlington Terrier

Breed Personality: They are very good-tempered and graceful and have a lot of courage and is a great family dog. They are very agreeable with other animals although you must remember that these dogs were bred to be hunters so should be kept away from small pets.

Breed Group: Terrier

Size: Small

Exercise: Up to one hour a day 

Coat Length: Medium

Grooming: Every Day

Shedding: Yes

Minimum House Size: Small House

Minimum Garden Size: Small/ Medium

Average Lifespan: 10 years+

Bedlington Terrier


 Bernese Mountain Dog

Breed Personality: Very good at farm work and a devoted family dog it is slow to mature is very confident and good-natured, friendly and fearless. It needs to be made part of the family to stay happy and will get along quite happily with other pets so long as it is brought up with them.

Breed Group: Working

Size: Large

Exercise: Up to 1 hour a day

Coat Length: Medium

Grooming: More than once a week

Shedding: Yes

Minimum House Size: Large House

Minimum Garden Size: Small/ Medium

Average Lifespan: Under 10 years

Bernese Mountain Dog


 Bichon Frise

Breed Personality: Superb temperament, and is friendly, affectionate and its the perfect family companion, they are very friendly and has good interaction with other pets too.

Breed Group: Toy

Size: Small

Exercise: Up to 30 mins a day

Coat Length: Medium

Grooming: Every Day

Shedding: No

Minimum House Size: Flat

Minimum Garden Size: None

Average Lifespan: 12 years+

Bichon Frise



Breed Personality: Reserved and sensitive hound and rely heavily on their smell, but once they get to know you they are very affectionate and get on well with other animals. Their distinctive wrinkles and folds mean that they do leave drool and dribble trails as they walk.

Breed Group: Hound

Size: Large

Exercise: More than 2 hours a day

Coat Length: Short

Grooming: Once a week

Shedding: Yes

Minimum House Size: Large House

Minimum Garden Size: Large

Average Lifespan: Under 10 years



Border Terrier

Breed Personality: They are sensitive and companionable by nature but not very independent and like to keep close to their owners and are good with children and are good with other dogs but will need to be brought up with cats and other pets.

Breed Group: Terrier

Size: Large

Exercise: Up to 1 hour a day

Coat Length: Short

Grooming: More than once a week

Shedding: Yes

Minimum House Size: Flat

Minimum Garden Size: Small / Medium

Average Lifespan: 12 years+

Border Terrier



Breed Personality: Calm, sensitive and a true gentle giant who are very reserved and dignified and any children who live with a borzoi need to learn to handle them quietly and sensibly, can live well with other dogs if raised from young but are breed to chase game so may not fair well with cats or other small animals.

Breed Group: Hound

Size: Large

Exercise: Up to 1 hour a day

Coat Length: Medium

Grooming: More than once a week

Shedding: Yes

Minimum House Size: Large House

Minimum Garden Size: Small/ Medium

Average Lifespan: 10 years+



Boston Terrier

Breed Personality: They are lively, highly intelligent and have an extremely affectionate and fantastically clean and very quiet and get along excellently with other pets.

Breed Group: Utility

Size: Small

Exercise: Up to 1 hour per day

Coat Length: Short

Grooming: Once a week

Shedding: Yes

Minimum House Size: Flat

Minimum Garden Size: Small/ Medium

Average Lifespan: 10 years+

Boston Terrier



Breed Personality: Very protective of children and love to play. Fun-loving, energetic and a true heart stealer. Stable temperament and a very calm assured dog. Very good with other dogs and pets.

Breed Group: Working

Size: Large

Exercise: More than 2 hours a day

Coat Length: Short

Grooming: Once a week

Shedding: Yes

Minimum House Size: Large House

Minimum Garden Size: Large

Average Lifespan: 10 years+



Bull Terrier

Breed Personality: Very powerful, graceful and agile. It's devoted to its family and craves companionship, they are very active and acts similar to a child so does not do well in situations in which it is expected to remain alone for long periods of time.

Breed Group: Terrier

Size: Medium 

Exercise: Up to 1 hour a day

Coat Length: Short

Grooming: Once a week

Shedding: Yes

Minimum House Size: Small House

Minimum Garden Size: Small/ Medium

Average Lifespan: 10 years+

Bull Terrier



Breed Personality: Usually placid and gentle but very territorial. Clean overall, however, will need to clean the face folds and apply petroleum jelly to keep their face clean and prevent chafing. Enjoys the company of its owner and loves family.

Breed Group: Utility

Size: Medium

Exercise: More than 2 hours a day

Coat Length: Short

Grooming: Once a week

Shedding: Yes

Minimum House Size: Small House

Minimum Garden Size: Small/ Medium

Average Lifespan: Under 10 years




Breed Personality: Very independent, but can be very gentle and playful. They are very loyal and make good napping and TV companions. They do not get along with dogs of the same sex, but otherwise should be fine. 

Breed Group: Working

Size: Large

Exercise: More than 2 hours a day

Coat Length: Short

Grooming: Once a week

Shedding: Yes

Minimum House Size: Large House

Minimum Garden Size: Large

Average Lifespan: Under 10 years




 Cairn Terrier

Breed Personality: The Cairn terrier is loyal, loving, curious and smart and one of the best friends in the world, they are a perfect lap dog and love to cuddle up with you on a night. They are excellent socialites and will get along with pretty much any dog or small pet! 

Breed Group: Terrier

Size: Small

Exercise: Up to 1 hour a day

Coat Length: Medium

Grooming: More than once a week

Shedding: Yes

Minimum House Size: Flat

Minimum Garden Size: Small/ Medium

Average Lifespan: 10 years+

Cairn Terrier


Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Breed Personality: Energetic and loving and a true family dog, is definitely not a dog to be left on its own as it thrives on contact. They get along excellently with other pets and dogs too so are fantastic family pets.

Breed Group: Toy

Size: Small

Exercise: Up to 1 hour a day

Coat Length: Medium

Grooming: More than once a week

Shedding: Yes

Minimum House Size: Flat

Minimum Garden Size: Small/ Medium

Average Lifespan: 12 years+

cavalier king charles spaniel



Breed Personality: Very content to either exercise in the backyard or go for a long walk! Very loving and great companions, gt along very well with other dogs and require minimal care.

Breed Group: Toy

Size: Small

Exercise: Up to 30 minutes a day

Coat Length: Short

Grooming: Once a week

Shedding: Yes

Minimum House Size: Flat

Minimum Garden Size: None!

Average Lifespan: 12 years+



Chinese Crested

Breed Personality: Confident, graceful and alert but can be a bit aloof around strangers and is a good watchdog.  They are highly compatible with other dogs and animals too.

Breed Group: Toy

Size: Small

Exercise: Up to 30 minutes a day

Coat Length: Short

Grooming: Once a week

Shedding: Yes

Minimum House Size: Flat

Minimum Garden Size: None!

Average Lifespan: 12 years+

Chinese Crested Dog


 Chow Chow

Breed Personality: Chow Chow's are happy, independent devoted dogs. They do not tend to desire love from all humans just its family and is extremely intelligent. It should be okay with other animals if introduced to them at a young age.

Breed Group: Utility

Size: Large

Exercise: Up to 1 hour a day

Coat Length: Medium

Grooming: Every Day

Shedding: Yes

Minimum House Size: Large House

Minimum Garden Size: Small/ Medium

Average Lifespan: Under 10 years

Chow Chow



Breed Personality: Clever and love human company. They are easy to train and have a very energetic bouncy spirit, they are very clean and make great companions for children. it enjoys the company of other animals but it's natural herding instincts can cause it to round up other animals in the house.

Breed Group: Pastoral

Size: Medium

Exercise: Up to 1 hour a day

Coat Length: Medium

Grooming: Every Day

Shedding: Yes

Minimum House Size: Small House

Minimum Garden Size: Small/ Medium

Average Lifespan: 12 years+





Breed Personality: Lovely temperament and very little intelligence, very good with children and an excellent family companion. Extremely good with other pets and dogs, and really likes their food!

Breed Group: Hound

Size: Small

Exercise: Up to 1 hour a day

Coat Length: Varies

Grooming: Once a week

Shedding: Yes

Minimum House Size: Small House

Minimum Garden Size: Small/ Medium

Average Lifespan: 12 years+




Breed Personality: Crazy but craves human company and affection and are fine sharing home with other pets, very active and strong and a great watchdog.

Breed Group: Utility

Size: Medium

Exercise: More than 2 hours a day

Coat Length: Short

Grooming: Once a week 

Shedding: Yes

Minimum House Size: Large House

Minimum Garden Size: Large

Average Lifespan: 12 years+



 Dandie Dinmont Terrier

Breed Personality: Placid, docile and very gentle with a bark that is too big for its body, loves companionship and is very good with children and other dogs.

Breed Group: Terrier

Size: Small

Exercise: Up to 1 hour a day

Coat Length: Medium

Grooming: More than once a week

Shedding: No

Minimum House Size: Small House

Minimum Garden Size: Small/ Medium

Average Lifespan: 12 years+

Dandie Dinmont



Breed Personality: Loyal, dignified and adores children the Deer-hound is the ideal family pet. It is patient and docile. It can live with other pets but was bred for hunting so sudden movements of small animals can trigger their natural hunting instincts.

Breed Group: Hound

Size: Large

Exercise: More than 2 hours a day

Coat Length: Long

Grooming: More than once a week

Shedding: Yes

Minimum House Size: Large House

Minimum Garden Size: Large

Average Lifespan: 10 years+




Breed Personality: Trustworthy and loyal companion and can be gentle but robust and tough. get's along brilliantly with children and can become very human if encouraged! Affectionate to the family but standoffish to strangers and can be unreliable and act badly in times of stress, but are good with other pets.

Breed Group: Working

Size: Large

Exercise: More than 2 hours a day

Coat Length: Short

Grooming: Once a week

Shedding: Yes

Minimum House Size: Large House

Minimum Garden Size: Large

Average Lifespan: 10 years+



 Dogue de Bordeaux

Breed Personality: Gentle giant, loves human company but very strong and big so should be watched around children and the elderly. They are loyal and trustworthy and are excellent guard dogs. They are very dominating and should only be kept with its own breed or by itself.

Breed Group: Working

Size: Large

Exercise: Up to 1 hour a day

Coat Length: Short

Grooming: Once a week

Shedding: Yes

Minimum House Size: Large House

Minimum Garden Size: Small/ Medium

Average Lifespan: 10 years+

Dogue de Bordeaux




 English Setter

Breed Personality: Intensely friendly, loyal and affectionate ideal family companion.Very reliable and loving and get along well with other pets.

Breed Group: Gundog

Size: Large

Exercise: More than 2 hours a day

Coat Length: Medium

Grooming: More than once a week

Shedding: Yes

Minimum House Size: Large House

Minimum Garden Size: Large

Average Lifespan: 10 years+

English Setter


 English Toy Terrier

Breed Personality: Charming, Intelligent, friendly, affectionate. An excellent house dog and excellent with other pets, however, small animals should be kept in enclosures. Can live with children but prefers a single owner.

Breed Group: Toy

Size: Small

Exercise: Up to 30 mins a day

Coat Length: Short

Grooming: Once a week

Shedding: Yes

Minimum House Size: Flat

Minimum Garden Size: None!

Average Lifespan: 12 years+

English Toy Terrier



 Finnish Lapphund

Breed Personality: Adaptable and very affectionate, friendly towards people, gentle with children and can easily live with other pets

Breed Group: Pastoral

Size: Medium

Exercise: Up to 1 hour a day

Coat Length: Medium

Grooming: Every Day

Shedding: Yes

Minimum House Size: Small House

Minimum Garden Size: Small/ Medium

Average Lifespan: 12 years+

Finnish Lapphund


 Finnish Spitz

Breed Personality: Lively, Independent, who will get along with pretty much anyone, bright alert and makes an excellent guard dog.

Breed Group: Hound

Size: Small

Exercise: Up to 1 hour a day

Coat Length: Medium

Grooming: More than once a week

Shedding: Yes

Minimum House Size: Small House

Minimum Garden Size: Small/ Medium

Average Lifespan: 10 years+

Finnish Spitz


 Fox Terrier

Breed Personality: Happy, fearless, clown and devoted friend amazing family companion, great watchdog and good with other pets

Breed Group: Terrier

Size: Small

Exercise: Up to 1 hour a day

Coat Length: Medium

Grooming: More than once a week

Shedding: Yes

Minimum House Size: Small House

Minimum Garden Size: Small/ Medium

Average Lifespan: 12 years+

Fox Terrier



Breed Personality: Active, friendly, alert and very affectionate. Get along well with dogs and other pets and are very adaptable!

Breed Group: Hound

Size: Large

Exercise: More than 2 hours a day

Coat Length: Short

Grooming: Once a week

Shedding: Yes

Minimum House Size: Large House

Minimum Garden Size: Large

Average Lifespan: 12 years+



 French Bulldog

Breed Personality: Highly intelligent, very affectionate and friendly, can be courageous or a clown depending on their mood and love to constantly be around their owners. It gets along well with other dogs.

Breed Group: Utility

Size: Small

Exercise: Up to 1 hour per day

Coat Length: Short

Grooming: Once a week

Shedding: Yes

Minimum House Size: Flat

Minimum Garden Size: Small/ Medium

Average Lifespan: 10 years+

French Bulldog



German Longhaired Pointer

Breed Personality: Affectionate, active, intelligent and extremely loyal. Friendly to family, aloof with strangers and become bored without exercise. Can live with family, most comfortable with older children and can dominate with other animals, but will get along with most dogs.

Breed Group: Gundog

Size: Large

Exercise: More than 2 hours a day

Coat Length: Medium

Grooming: More than once a week

Shedding: Yes

Minimum House Size: Large House

Minimum Garden Size: Large

Average Lifespan: 10 years+

German Long-haired pointer


 German Short-haired Pointer

Breed Personality: Gentle, active adore human company and love children. Very intelligent. They get along with pretty much every other animal in the home but will be subjective to a harmless game of chase with smaller animals.

Breed Group: Gundog

Size: Medium

Exercise: More than 2 hours a day

Coat Length: Short

Grooming: Once a week

Shedding: Yes

Minimum House Size: Large House

Minimum Garden Size: Large

Average Lifespan: 10 years+

German Short-Haired Pointer


 German Pinscher

Breed Personality: High energy however outstanding companion, loves family and very playful. Good with other dogs, however, were bred to kill rodents so keep your rats away from them!

Breed Group: Working

Size: Medium

Exercise: Up to 1 hour per day

Coat Length: Short

Grooming: Once a week

Shedding: Yes

Minimum House Size: Small House

Minimum Garden Size: Small/ Medium

Average Lifespan: 10 years+

German Pinscher


 German Shepherd

Breed Personality: Loyal and trustworthy, guard, herder, tracker and guide, very versatile! They get along with other pets if introduced at an early age.

Breed Group: Pastoral

Size: Large

Exercise: More than 2 hours a day

Coat Length: Short

Grooming: More than once a week

Shedding: Yes

Minimum House Size: Large House

Minimum Garden Size: Large

Average Lifespan: 10 years+

German Shepherd


 Giant Schnauzer

Breed Personality: Loyal, devoted and slow to anger. They can be a one-man dog or a family dog depending on the situation they are placed in and tolerate children. They can be quite wary of strangers and are great guard dogs too!

Breed Group: Working

Size: Large

Exercise: More than 2 hours a day

Coat Length: Medium

Grooming: Every Day

Shedding: No

Minimum House Size: Large House

Minimum Garden Size: Large

Average Lifespan: 12 years+

Giant Schnauzer


Golden Retriever

Breed Personality: Intelligent and affectionate yet active and powerful. Perfect guide dog and loving companion, excellent with children and other dogs.

Breed Group: Gundog

Size: Large

Exercise: More than 2 hours a day

Coat Length: Medium

Grooming: More than once a week

Shedding: Yes

Minimum House Size: Large House

Minimum Garden Size: Large

Average Lifespan: 10 years+

Golden Retriever


  Gordon Setter

Breed Personality: Character of its own, quick and alert and needs attention but will return any love given with unfaltering loyalty. Very protective and can adapt to strangers based on their owner's reaction. Good with other dogs.

Breed Group: Gundog

Size: Large

Exercise: More than 2 hours a day

Coat Length: Medium

Grooming: More than once a week

Shedding: Yes

Minimum House Size: Large House

Minimum Garden Size: Large

Average Lifespan: 10 years+

Gordon Setter


 Great Dane

Breed Personality: Elegant and muscular, and full of energy and very big! Excellent with other pets, however, needs to be kept under control due to its sheer size

Breed Group: Working

Size: Large

Exercise: More than 2 hours a day

Coat Length: Short

Grooming: Once a week

Shedding: Yes

Minimum House Size: Large House

Minimum Garden Size: Large

Average Lifespan: Under 10 years

Great Dane



Breed Personality: Can be very affectionate and is neither highly strung nor aggressive, they are actually quite calm and loyal. They adore human contact and are great with family and will get along with most pets as long as it has its own space.

Breed Group: Hound

Size: Large

Exercise: Up to 1 hour a day

Coat Length: Short

Grooming: Once a week

Shedding: Yes

Minimum House Size: Large House

Minimum Garden Size: Small/ Medium

Average Lifespan: 10 years+



Griffon Bruxellois

Breed Personality: Very adaptable and trainable, great with family and other pets.

Breed Group: Toy

Size: Small

Exercise: Up to 30 minutes a day

Coat Length: Medium

Grooming: More than once a week

Shedding: Yes

Minimum House Size: Flat

Minimum Garden Size: None!

Average Lifespan: 12 years+

Griffin Bruxellois




Breed Personality: Superb temperament, and is friendly, affectionate and its the perfect family companion, they are very friendly and has good interaction with other pets too.

Breed Group: Toy

Size: Small

Exercise: Up to 30 minutes a day

Coat Length: Long

Grooming: Every Day

Shedding: No

Minimum House Size: Flat

Minimum Garden Size: None!

Average Lifespan: 12 years+



 Hungarian Vizsla

Breed Personality: Easy-going, Intelligent, and very obedient. Affectionate and lively it is a great family dog and gets along well with other pets.

Breed Group: Gundog

Size: Medium

Exercise: More than 2 hours a day

Coat Length: Short

Grooming: Once a week

Shedding: Yes

Minimum House Size: Large House

Minimum Garden Size: Large

Average Lifespan: 12 years+

Hungarian Vizsla



 Jack Russell

Breed Personality: Intelligent, explorative, great with family and other dogs

Breed Group: Terrier

Size: Small

Exercise: Up to 1 hour per day

Coat Length: Short

Grooming: Once a week

Shedding: Yes

Minimum House Size: Flat

Minimum Garden Size: None!

Average Lifespan: 10 years+

Jack Russell


 Japanese Chin

Breed Personality: Intelligent, Happy, lively, with a good nature and gentle temperament. They love to play or be a cuddly lap dog and love family and are great with other dogs especially other chins!

Breed Group: Toy

Size: Small

Exercise: Up to 30 minutes a day

Coat Length: Medium

Grooming: More than once a week

Shedding: Yes

Minimum House Size: Flat

Minimum Garden Size: None!

Average Lifespan: 10 years+

Japanese Chin




Breed Personality: It's no surprise that the Labrador is the nations Favourite Dog, they are intelligent, loving, active, eager to please and extremely sociable. They adore attention and want to be everyone's friend, they are incredible with children and excellent with other dogs.

Breed Group: Gundog

Size: Large

Exercise: More than 2 hours a day

Coat Length: Short

Grooming: Once a week

Shedding: Yes

Minimum House Size: Large House

Minimum Garden Size: Large

Average Lifespan: 10 years+



 Lakeland Terrier

Breed Personality: Impish, however, thrives on human contact, however, is not a lap dog. Ideal family dog and can live with other pets if introduced at an early age.

Breed Group: Terrier

Size: Small

Exercise: Up to 1 hour a day

Coat Length: Short

Grooming: More than once a week

Shedding: No

Minimum House Size: Small House

Minimum Garden Size: Small/ Medium

Average Lifespan: 12 years+

Lakeland Terrier


 Lhasa Apso

Breed Personality: Highly intelligent, very dominant but good with children.

Breed Group: Utility

Size: Small

Exercise: Up to 1 hour a day

Coat Length: Long

Grooming: Every Day

Shedding: Yes

Minimum House Size: Flat

Minimum Garden Size: None

Average Lifespan: 12 years+

Lhasa Apso




Breed Personality: Loving, affectionate and a perfect intelligent lively companion who s incredible with children and other pets.

Breed Group: Toy

Size: Small

Exercise: Up to 30 mins a day

Coat Length: Long

Grooming: Every Day

Shedding: No

Minimum House Size: Flat

Minimum Garden Size: None!

Average Lifespan: 12 years+




Breed Personality: Loving, Gentle and very loyal, they can be good with children as long as they are properly introduced. They crave approval and affection and are brilliant house dogs. They get along well with other pets especially if raised together.

Breed Group: Working

Size: Large

Exercise: Up to 1 hour s day

Coat Length: Short

Grooming: Once a week

Shedding: Yes

Minimum House Size: Large House

Minimum Garden Size: Small/ Medium

Average Lifespan: Under 10 years



 Miniature Pinscher

Breed Personality: Full of Spirit, loyal and intelligent. Fearless, alert and are excellent watchdogs. Good for family with children over 3 and are good with other pets as long as they are bought up with them.

Breed Group: Toy

Size: Small

Exercise: Up to 30 minutes a day

Coat Length: Short

Grooming: Once a week

Shedding: Yes

Minimum House Size: Flat

Minimum Garden Size: None!

Average Lifespan: 12 years+

Miniature Pinscher


 Miniature Schnauzer

Breed Personality: Loyal, devoted and slow to anger. They can be a one-man dog or a family dog depending on the situation they are placed in and tolerate children. They can be quite wary of strangers and are great guard dogs too!

Breed Group: Utility

Size: Small

Exercise: Up to 1 hour per day

Coat Length: Medium

Grooming: More than once a week

Shedding: No

Minimum House Size: Flat

Minimum Garden Size: Small/ Medium

Average Lifespan: 10 years+

Miniature Schnauzer




Breed Personality: Loving and caring dogs who worship their owners, very loyal and placid. Very good with families and excellent with other dogs.

Breed Group: Working

Size: Large

Exercise: Up to 1 hour a day

Coat Length: Medium

Grooming: Every Day

Shedding: Yes

Minimum House Size: Large House

Minimum Garden Size: Large

Average Lifespan: Under 10 years




 Old English Sheepdog

Breed Personality: Delightful and devoted it is a bundle of fun that loves to play. It is very adaptable to your lifestyle and extremely good with children and great with other dogs.

Breed Group: Pastoral

Size: Large

Exercise: More than 2 hours a day

Coat Length: Long

Grooming: Every Day

Shedding: Yes

Minimum House Size: Large House

Minimum Garden Size: Large

Average Lifespan: 10 years+

Old English Sheepdog




Breed Personality: Friendly, clean and easy to look after. Very Intelligent and great with older children and other dogs.

Breed Group: Toy

Size: Small

Exercise: Up to 30 minutes per day

Coat Length: Medium

Grooming: More than once a week

Shedding: Yes

Minimum House Size: Flat

Minimum Garden Size: None!

Average Lifespan: 12 years+




Breed Personality: Fearless and forget their own size a lot of the time! Extremely loyal and great with children and other dogs.

Breed Group: Toy

Size: Small

Exercise: Up to 30 minutes a day

Coat Length: Long

Grooming: Every Day

Shedding: Yes

Minimum House Size: Flat

Minimum Garden Size: None!

Average Lifespan: 12 years+



 Pembroke Welsh Corgi

Breed Personality: Extremely friendly, loyal and a great family dog who needs to be occupied and loved. Great with children and other dogs.

Breed Group: Pastoral

Size: Small

Exercise: Up to 1 hour per day

Coat Length: Short

Grooming: More than once a week

Shedding: Yes

Minimum House Size: Small House

Minimum Garden Size: Small/ Medium

Average Lifespan: 12 years+

Pembroke Welsh Corgi



Breed Personality: Intelligent, yet suspicious making it an excellent watchdog. Good family dog and good with other pets.

Breed Group: Gundog

Size: Medium

Exercise: More than 2 hours a day

Coat Length: Short

Grooming: Once a week

Shedding: Yes

Minimum House Size: Large House

Minimum Garden Size: Large

Average Lifespan: 12 years+




Breed Personality: Delightful, extroverted, lively and very intelligent and have incredible energy and is extremely obedient. They are good with older children and can live with other dogs if brought up with them.

Breed Group: Toy

Size: Small

Exercise: Up to 30 minutes a day

Coat Length: Medium

Grooming: More than once a week

Shedding: Yes

Minimum House Size: Flat

Minimum Garden Size: None!

Average Lifespan: 12 years+




Breed Personality: Very intelligent, lively and are excellent guard dogs. Good with children and other dogs.

Breed Group: Utility

Size: Medium

Exercise: Up to 1 hour per day

Coat Length: Medium

Grooming: Every Day

Shedding: No

Minimum House Size: Large House

Minimum Garden Size: Small/ Medium

Average Lifespan: 12 years+




Breed Personality: They don't smell, are full of joy and have a lot of courage. Intelligent, Independent and true family dogs who get along well with other dogs.

Breed Group: Toy

Size: Small

Exercise: Up to 1 hour a day

Coat Length: Short

Grooming: Once a week

Shedding: Yes

Minimum House Size: Flat

Minimum Garden Size: None!

Average Lifespan: 10 years+




 Rhodesian Ridgeback

Breed Personality: Delightful nature, faithful and affectionate. Reserved when it comes to strangers, but it's usually placid and easy going with endless patience for children and other dogs.

Breed Group: Hound

Size: Large

Exercise: More than 2 hours a day

Coat Length: Short

Grooming: Once a week

Shedding: Yes

Minimum House Size: Large House

Minimum Garden Size: Large

Average Lifespan: 10 years+

Rhodesian Ridgeback



Breed Personality: Loves companionship, and is a great security dog. Self-assured, steady and fearless. Usually tolerant of children and other dog but can require supervision.

Breed Group: Working

Size: Large

Exercise: More than 2 hours a day

Coat Length: Short

Grooming: Once a week

Shedding: Yes

Minimum House Size: Large House

Minimum Garden Size: Large

Average Lifespan: Under 10 years




 Saint Bernard

Breed Personality: Friendly, loyal, fun loving and can either be placid and steady or cheeky and boisterous (depending on the individual). They are very protective but will happily welcome another dog into the household.

Breed Group: Working

Size: Large

Exercise: Up to 1 hour a day

Coat Length: Short

Grooming: More than once a week

Shedding: Yes

Minimum House Size: Large House

Minimum Garden Size: Small/ Medium

Average Lifespan: Under 10 years

Saint Bernard



Breed Personality: Gentle, but a great watchdog and are extremely trustworthy, tolerant and affectionate with children. They will get along with other pets and dogs if brought up with them.

Breed Group: Hound

Size: Medium

Exercise: More than 2 hours per day

Coat Length: Short

Grooming: Once a week

Shedding: Yes

Minimum House Size: Large House

Minimum Garden Size: Large

Average Lifespan: 12 years+




Breed Personality: Active, Inquisitive, Quick-witted and Mischievous, females are good with children and both genders are good with other animals if brought up with them.

Breed Group: Pastoral

Size: Medium

Exercise: More than 2 hours a day

Coat Length: Medium

Grooming: Every Day

Shedding: Yes

Minimum House Size: Large House

Minimum Garden Size: Large

Average Lifespan: 10 years+



 Scottish Terrier

Breed Personality: Adaptable, devoted and loyal. Affectionate towards family but is very territorial and will take on any dog that challenges it. Excellent watchdogs, brilliant with children and good with other pets.

Breed Group: Terrier

Size: Small

Exercise: Up to 1 hour a day

Coat Length: Long

Grooming: Every Day

Shedding: Yes

Minimum House Size: Small House

Minimum Garden Size: Small/ Medium

Average Lifespan: 10 years+

Scottish Terrier


 Shar Pei

Breed Personality: Intelligent, yet also can be aloof, snobbish and reserved around strangers. Very loyal to family. They are generally good with children and other pets when they are reared with them.

Breed Group: Utility

Size: Medium

Exercise: Up to 1 hour a day

Coat Length: Short

Grooming: Once a week

Shedding: Yes

Minimum House Size: Small House

Minimum Garden Size: Small/ Medium

Average Lifespan: 10 years+

Shar Pei


 Shetland Sheepdog

Breed Personality: Independent, affectionate and love attention. They are very protective of their families and very wary of strangers. Good with children and other pets.

Breed Group: Pastoral

Size: Small

Exercise: Up to 1 hour a day

Coat Length: Medium

Grooming: Every Day

Shedding: Yes

Minimum House Size: Small House

Minimum Garden Size: Small/ Medium

Average Lifespan: 10 years+

Shetland Sheepdog


 Shih Tzu

Breed Personality: Loveable, Affectionate, Loyal and Super Friendly. Their entire purpose in life is to give and receive love, perfect family companion and excellent with other pets.

Breed Group: Utility

Size: Small

Exercise: Up to 1 hour a day

Coat Length: Long

Grooming: Every Day

Shedding: No

Minimum House Size: Flat

Minimum Garden Size: Small/ Medium

Average Lifespan: 10 years+

Shih Tzu


 Siberian Husky

Breed Personality: Gentle, Reliable and Friendly, incredible family companions and are affectionate to everyone. Very dominant so care needs to be taken if introducing another dog.

Breed Group: Working

Size: Medium

Exercise: More than 2 hours a day

Coat Length: Short

Grooming: More than once a week

Shedding: Yes

Minimum House Size: Large House

Minimum Garden Size: Large

Average Lifespan: 10 years+

Siberian Husky


 Staffordshire Bull Terrier (Staffy)

Breed Personality: Were bred to be fighting dogs so must always be kept on a leash. But are truly lovable dogs with amazing characters and can live easily with other pets providing they are brought up from an early age and trained.

Breed Group: Terrier

Size: Small

Exercise: Up to 1 hour a day

Coat Length: Short

Grooming: Once a week

Shedding: Yes

Minimum House Size: Small House

Minimum Garden Size: Small/ Medium

Average Lifespan: 12 years+



 Springer Spaniel

Breed Personality: Obedient, agile, and quiet. Makes an excellent guard dog, and is excellent with other dogs.

Breed Group: Gundog

Size: Medium

Exercise: More than 2 hours a day

Coat Length: Medium

Grooming: More than once a week

Shedding: Yes

Minimum House Size: Small House

Minimum Garden Size: Large

Average Lifespan: 10 years+

Springer Spaniel



 Toy Poodle

Breed Personality: Very intelligent, lively and are excellent guard dogs. Good with children and other dogs.

Breed Group: Utility

Size: Small

Exercise: Up to 1 hour a day

Coat Length: Medium

Grooming: Every Day

Shedding: No

Minimum House Size: Flat

Minimum Garden Size: Small/ Medium

Average Lifespan: 12 years+

Toy Poodle




Breed Personality: Very devoted to their owners and craves attention. Wonderful with children, protective, fun loving and can be quite the clown. Get along well with other pets that aren't considered game.

Breed Group: Gundog

Size: Large

Exercise: More than 2 hours a day

Coat Length: Short

Grooming: Once a week

Shedding: Yes

Minimum House Size: Large House

Minimum Garden Size: Large

Average Lifespan: 10 years+



 West Highland Terrier (Westie)

Breed Personality: Active, alert game and full of self-importance. Very faithful and are the ideal family pet and will get along with other dogs if raised with them.

Breed Group: Terrier

Size: Small

Exercise: Up to 1 hour day

Coat Length: Medium

Grooming: More than once a week

Shedding: Yes

Minimum House Size: Flat

Minimum Garden Size: Small/ Medium

Average Lifespan: 12 years+




Breed Personality: Agreeable temperament, ideal family pet and wonderful companion. Affectionate loving and get along great with other dogs.

Breed Group: Whippet

Size: Small

Exercise: Up to 1 hour a day

Coat Length: Short

Grooming: Once a week

Shedding: Yes

Minimum House Size: Small House

Minimum Garden Size: Small/ Medium

Average Lifespan: 12 years+




 Yorkshire Terrier (Yorkie)

Breed Personality: Alert, active and inquisitive. Determined, but faithful and loyal to their family. They are excellent companions and great watchdogs who get along great with children and other dogs of the same size.

Breed Group: Terrier

Size: Small

Exercise: Up to 30 minutes a day

Coat Length: Long

Grooming: Every Day

Shedding: No

Minimum House Size: Flat

Minimum Garden Size: None!

Average Lifespan: 12 years+



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